JOIN YOUR SCHOOL TEAM -> https://georgia.schoolchessleague.us/teams/index
After Payment - Register link below to provide School Name, Grade and Chesstronics ID if available.
https://hello.chesstronics.com/schoolteamchess (If your are name is already listed in pre-registered, list->GEORGIA SCHOOL TEAM TOURNAMENT PRE-REGISTERED LIST you can pay as a Team of 2 to 6 can split the cost. Team Lead / Parent/ Volunteer can pay to participate in our School Team Tournament.
Team will be posted in the Georgia website.
Pre-registered players for January Month
Top 3 players are listed in georgia schoolchess league website. georgia.schoolchessleague.us
Top 8 schools logo are listed in Georgia SchoolChess league website.
If less than 6 teams registered we may cancel the tournament.
How to Enroll / Pay for School Team Tournament?
1. All Players to join your school team click this link(550+school teams) to -> Join your School Team
1.A) Search your school name.
1.B ) Join the team blue button
1.C) If your school name not listed ? , please send email to echesstronics@gmail.com or text 678-ON-Chess
2. Select Week1 Team Tournament.
3. School Chess Team leader pay $30.00 and collect from other players.
4. Enter your school team name in the Name field
5. Minimum 3 players from a school form team
6. A team cannot exceed 6 players (6 players can share entry fee $30.00)
7. School has more players can form multiple teams Ex: Daves Creek Team A, Daves Creek Team B etc.,
8. School Team Tournament is UNRATED so No need of USCF ID / Membership . Anyone can play!
9. If your School Team is not found in above link, please email echesstronics@gmail.com or text at 678-662-4377(678-ON-CHESS)
10. UseDiscount Code TEAMFEE$15 or PUTMEINTEAM$5 (Discount Code valid until October31st)